Easy learning Spanish
We present 10 lessons that represent 10 common scenarios where you are going to practise reading, comprehension, listening and speaking through different activities.

Descripción del curso
What do you want to achieve:
Talk with your Spanish colleagues
Order food in a restaurant
Meet new people on your travels
Communicate with your relatives
Expand your business
Follow series and movies
In this course you are going to learn:
How verbs work in Spanish. How we conjugate them.
The most useful verbs and vocabulary to interact in an every day converstation.
Put everything together to act in 10 common scenarios
We present 10 lessons that represent 10 common scenarios where you are going to practise reading, comprehension, listening and speaking through different activities.
How lessons are structured:
We present a series of verbs and vocabulary followed with activities to put them in practise.
Practical activites:
- Translation
- Speaking
- Multiple choice
- Fill the gaps
- Final test of the lesson
I will acompany you through the lesson, explaining the content and guiding you. At the same time, you will practise pronuntation with me.
Contenido del curso
14:54- Introduce yourself14:54
13:33- Routine13:33
18:11- Clothes18:11
07:08- Body07:08
13:37- Describe yourself13:37
15:13- Food15:13
05:19- Family05:19
11:07- Home11:07
11:02- Directions11:02
06:07- Weather06:07
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